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Early & Late Stay Programs

Scheduled school day hours may not be the same as a normal work day for our busy, professional parents, so Early and Late Stay Programs are available.

Parents/caregivers are expected to pick their students up promptly by 5:30pm.  Students may be temporarily suspended from the Late Stay Program for a period determined by the school administrator if students are not picked up by the designated time.


2:15 - 3:30 p.m./$10 per hour
Reservations should be made in advance to secure a space.

Crusader Station: Morning Drop Off from 8:15-8:30 am; Early Arrival available from 7:45 - 8:15 am.
Lower School: Morning Carline from 7:30-8:00 am. All students will meet in the Multi-Purpose Room. No early arrival available. 
Upper School: Morning Carline from 7:30-7:55 am. All students must meet in the Upper School Cafeteria if they arrive before 7:45 am. 

3:15 - 5:30 p.m. - Charged an hourly fee. See Tuition and fees for pricing
K3/K4 students meet in Crusader Station.
K5 - 5th Grade students meet in the Lower School Multi-Purpose Room with outdoor playground time as weather permits.
A late fee of $15 per every 15 minutes past 3:30pm (Downtown Campus) or 5:30pm (Shannon Forest
Campus) will be charged to your account.
Half Day Late Stay from 11:45 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. will be charged $35 

(A minimum of 6 students must be registered for Half Day Late Stay or it will be canceled.  A notice of 48 hours must be given for a cancelation or a fee of $30 will be charged.) Once we reach a maximum of 14 students in each department, registration will close regardless of the deadline. A late fee of $15 per every 15 minutes past 5:30 pm will be charged to the account.

Late Stay Sign Up

  • Students must sign up for Late Stay for the 2024-2025 school year to allow our staff to know how to appropriately plan for the needs of our community. By filling out this form you are agreeing to being charged for Late Stay when your student is in attendance for Late Stay. You will only be charged on the day(s) that your student is in attendance. 

    Please note that if your child is not signed up for Late Stay, they will await pick up in the Lower School Office. Students are not permitted to attend Late Stay until a form has been filled out. Please note that the school is able to charge a fee for students that are awaiting pick-up in the office. 

  • Medical Information for Late Stay

    Please list all medical information for our Late Stay Staff. This will allow them to have all of the information that they need to keep your student safe and cared for while in Late Stay.