At First Presbyterian Academy, the Word of God guides us in every aspect and is our lens for learning both inside and outside of the classroom. FPA was originally two different highly recognized institutions of learning founded in 1953 (First Presbyterian Academy) and 1968 (Shannon Forest Christian School) that united in 2019 to form a strong school with experienced and passionate teachers that have answered a call to educate students to thrive. We are small by design with regard to our classroom size, yet big on opportunities for all of our students. Our premiere college prep curriculum will prepare students for each step in their lives from a strong academic standpoint while allowing them to pursue areas of interest and passion. A strong, biblical worldview provides a firm foundation for our education programs, our athletic and fine art opportunities, and our mission to serve those around our community. The goal of FPA begins with the development of the intellectual and creative gifts of each student in a way that is pleasing to the Lord and affords each student the best possible academic and professional future.
We are excited that the Lord has provided…
-A robust program of academic opportunities taught from a Biblical worldview to challenge students; this includes an array of honors and Advanced Placement courses at the high school level.
-A 100% college acceptance rate with millions of dollars of scholarships offered to our graduates
-A professional, skilled, and caring faculty that truly seek to help our students develop into the young people that God created them to be
-A highly competitive athletic program that includes intramural sports for young children, developmental teams for early middle school, middle school, junior varsity, and state championship winning varsity teams; there are over 20 teams that provide opportunities for over 80% of our students to participate in athletics.
-An intentional desire to serve the community around us; this includes collections for Toys for Tots, local food banks, and hands-on community service totaling over 5000 hours each year.
-An opportunity showcase artistic talents by performing and visual arts in all divisions of the school
-A thriving community that serves alongside one another in ministry; our community is made up of students, parents, staff, and community members and each member is incredibly vital to our growth and sustainability
-A desire to continue to seek the Lord's guidance in our daily school life; status quo is never acceptable